William Lomax William Lomax

Candy out of Fruit ? - Why I Try to Only Eat Candy That I Make Out of Fruit

Discover the reasons behind why making candy out of fruit is the healthier choice. Learn how to make your own delicious treats with natural ingredients, including recipes for homemade fruit roll-ups, strawberry mango gummies, blueberry lemon drops, and pineapple coconut bites!

In a world filled with sugary temptations, why try to make candy out of fruit? For many, it's not just about satisfying a sweet tooth—it's a conscious decision rooted in health, taste, and creativity. Join me as we explore the journey of transforming fruits into delightful, guilt-free treats that burst with flavor and nutrition.

Why I Try to Only Eat Candy That I Make Out of Fruit

Trying to make candy out of fruit isn't just a hobby; it's a lifestyle choice. Here’s why:

Health Benefits Galore

   - **Natural Sweetness:** Fruits offer natural sugars that satisfy cravings without the crash.

   - **Vitamins and Minerals:** Packed with essential nutrients, fruits enhance overall well-being.

   - **Fiber Boost:** Promotes digestive health and keeps you feeling full longer.

   - **Cleaner:** No artificial sweeteners or preservatives

Creative Culinary Adventure

   - **Endless Possibilities:** From tangy citrus gummies to chewy strawberry bites, fruit candy offers versatility.

   - **Customizable Flavors:** Mix and match fruits to create unique taste sensations.

   - **Fun for All Ages:** Perfect for family bonding and exploring new flavors together.

Environmental Consciousness

   - **Sustainable Ingredients:** Supporting local farms and reducing carbon footprint.

   - **Reduced Packaging Waste:** Make your candy at home to cut down on plastic wrappers and containers.

   - **Ethical Choices:** Knowing exactly what goes into your candy ensures ethical consumption.

How to Make Candy Out of Fruit

Ready to embark on your fruity candy-making journey? Here are 3 simple recipes:

Strawberry Mango Gummies


- 1 cup strawberries, hulled

- 1 cup mango, peeled and diced

- 2-3 tablespoons honey or agave syrup (optional)


1. Blend strawberries and mango until smooth.

2. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and simmer on low heat, stirring constantly.

3. Add honey or agave syrup if desired for added sweetness.

4. Once thickened, pour into candy molds ( https://amzn.to/3W45TOV ) and refrigerate until set.

Blueberry Lemon Drops


- 1 cup blueberries

- Juice and zest of 1 lemon

- 2-3 tablespoons honey or agave syrup (optional)


1. Blend blueberries, lemon juice, and zest until smooth.

2. Heat the mixture in a saucepan over low heat, stirring continuously.

3. Sweeten with honey or agave syrup to taste.

4. Pour into candy molds( https://amzn.to/3W45TOV ) or onto a lined tray and let it set in the refrigerator.

Pineapple Coconut Bites


- 1 cup pineapple, chopped

- 1/2 cup shredded coconut

- 2-3 tablespoons honey or agave syrup (optional)


1. Blend pineapple until smooth.

2. Stir in shredded coconut and sweeten with honey or agave syrup.

3. Cook over low heat until mixture thickens.

4. Pour into molds ( https://amzn.to/3W45TOV ) or onto a tray and refrigerate until firm.


**Q: Can I use any type of fruit to make candy?**

A: Absolutely! Experiment with your favorite fruits or a combination thereof to create unique flavors.

**Q: How long do homemade fruit candies last?**

A: Store them in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. They should stay fresh for up to a week or 2 and months in the freezer.

**Q: Is making fruit candy difficult?**

A: Not at all! It's a fun and straightforward process that anyone can master with a bit of practice.


Choosing to make candy out of fruit isn't just about what you eat—it's a statement about how you live. By embracing natural ingredients and homemade goodness, you not only indulge your sweet tooth but also nurture your body and support sustainable practices. So, why settle for store-bought treats when you can create delicious, wholesome candies right in your own kitchen? Join the fruity candy revolution today and taste the difference!

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William Lomax William Lomax

Why I Squat Every Day and So Should You - The Ultimate Guide to Daily Squats

Squatting isn't just a workout trend; it's a lifestyle choice that boosts fitness, mood, and stamina. Discover why making squats part of your everyday routine could be the best decision for your health.


Ever wondered why some people swear by doing squats every single day? Well, there’s a boatload of reasons why! Squatting daily can be a game-changer for your overall fitness, offering everything from improved strength to better mobility. In this deep dive, we’ll explore the myriad benefits of daily squats, bust some myths, and show you why adopting this simple exercise could be one of the best health decisions you ever make. So, lace up your trainers and get ready to learn why you should be hitting a squat some sort of way every day!

Squatting in Daily Life: It's More Common Than You Think

It might come as a surprise, but whether you're hitting the gym or not, you're probably squatting multiple times throughout your day without even realizing it. Squatting is one of the most fundamental movements humans perform, integral not just in fitness regimes but in everyday life. Understanding how often we naturally squat in daily activities can demystify this exercise and encourage us to embrace it more consciously for health benefits.

Everyday Activities That Involve Squatting

  • Picking Things Up: Every time you bend down to pick something up off the floor, you're performing a variant of a squat. Whether it’s groceries, a child, or just your dropped phone, proper squatting form can make these tasks easier and safer.

  • Gardening and Housework: Tasks like weeding or scrubbing a floor often involve bending and squatting, engaging the core and lower body muscles in a way similar to the exercise form.

  • Sitting Down and Standing Up: Each time you sit in a chair or stand up, you're effectively doing a squat. Over time, focusing on how you perform these actions can enhance posture and muscle control.

  • Public Transportation: Boarding and disembarking from buses and trains often require a squat-like movement, especially when stepping down to a lower surface.

Why Recognizing These Movements Matters

Understanding that you’re already performing squats in your daily life has a couple of key benefits:

  • Enhanced Awareness of Movement: Recognizing these activities helps you be more conscious of your body mechanics, encouraging you to maintain proper form even outside of exercise, which can prevent injuries.

  • Motivation to Squat Properly: Once you realize how often you use this movement, you might be more motivated to perfect your form and increase your strength, knowing it’ll make everyday actions easier.

  • Seamless Integration into Fitness Routines: For those who feel overwhelmed by the idea of working out, knowing that they already perform squats daily can help bridge the gap between daily activity and structured exercise.

By incorporating mindful squatting into the activities you’re already doing, you can significantly improve strength, flexibility, and overall health. So next time you drop something or need to sit down, think of it as an opportunity to practice your form. Happy squatting in the gym—and beyond!

Why Squat Every Day? Insights into the Power of Daily Squats

1. Building Strength and Endurance

First things first: squatting is incredibly effective at building muscle in your lower body, which includes some of the largest muscles you’ve got. Here’s what daily squats can do for you:

  • Enhance Muscle Growth: Regular squatting stimulates the legs, hips, and buttocks, areas known for their large muscle groups.

  • Increase Endurance: Over time, daily squats improve stamina, making other physical activities easier.

2. Boosting Metabolism

Ever thought about why squats are so revered? Well, they're like a natural metabolism booster!

  • Burn More Calories: With more muscle comes higher metabolic rates, meaning you burn more calories even at rest.

3. Enhancing Mobility and Flexibility

Believe it or not, squatting every day isn’t just about strength—it’s also about moving better.

  • Improved Joint Health: Regular squats help keep the knees, hips, and ankles flexible and strong.

  • Better Balance: As you squat regularly, your core strengthens, which improves your overall balance and stability.

Why You Should Practice Squatting Every Day

Let’s dive deeper into why making squats a daily habit is something you might want to consider seriously.

Consistency Brings Cumulative Benefits

  • Muscle Tone and Definition: Consistent squatting shapes and tones the legs and buttocks.

  • Mental Health Boosts: Exercise, including squatting, releases endorphins that can improve mood and reduce feelings of depression and anxiety.

Squat Everyday? Here's How to Keep It Sustainable

Yes, squatting every day sounds daunting, but here’s how you can make it sustainable:

  • Vary Your Squat Style: Mix up traditional, sumo, or pistol squats to keep things interesting and target different muscle groups.

  • Listen to Your Body: Adjust the intensity to avoid burnout and reduce injury risk.

Practical Tips for Integrating Daily Squats

Implementing daily squats doesn't have to be overwhelming. Here are some practical tips to get you started:

  • Start Slow: Begin with a number of squats you’re comfortable with and gradually increase as you build strength.

  • Incorporate Into Daily Activities: Try squatting during routine activities like brushing your teeth or watching TV.

FAQs About Squatting Every Day

Q: Can daily squatting lead to joint problems?
A: Not if done correctly. Proper form and listening to your body are crucial to prevent injuries.

Q: How quickly will I see results from daily squatting?
A: Most people notice improvements in strength and endurance within a few weeks. Visual changes may take longer, depending on your routine and diet.

In Conclusion: Should You Squat Every Day?

To wrap things up, whether you’re looking to boost your physical health, improve your mental well-being, or just challenge yourself, adding daily squats to your routine is worth considering. Remember, it’s about progress, not perfection. Start where you are, use what you have, and do what you can. Happy squatting!

So, are you ready to embrace the squat? Why not start today and see where this simple yet effective exercise can take you?

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William Lomax William Lomax

Pumping Up Your Fitness Journey: Why Hiring a Personal Trainer Is a Great Choice

Embarking on a fitness journey often feels like navigating a maze without a clear map, aiming for a healthier, stronger you but unsure of the path. This is where a personal trainer changes the game, particularly someone like William Lomax of WholeMax Performance, who becomes more than just a rep counter—he becomes your roadmap, motivator, educator, and cheerleader.

Ah, the fitness journey – it's as unpredictable as the weather, with sunny days of progress and stormy days of setbacks. But what if I told you there's a way to bring some predictability to your routine? Enter the personal trainer, your fitness journey's weather forecaster, ready to guide you through the highs and lows. Why hiring a personal trainer is a great choice is not just about having someone count your reps; it's about crafting a tailored fitness experience that's as unique as you are. So, lace up your sneakers, and let's dive into the myriad of reasons why a personal trainer might just be the best investment you can make for your health and fitness goals.

Personalized Fitness Plans: The Tailor-Made Approach

  • Understanding Your Unique Body and Goals: Like fingerprints, no two fitness journeys are the same. Personal trainers are like the tailors of the fitness world, stitching together a program that fits you perfectly.

  • Flexibility and Adaptability: Got an old knee injury? No problem. Prefer to dance rather than do a deadlift? You got it. Personal trainers adjust your plan as you progress, ensuring it's always the right fit.

Motivation Station: Chugging Along the Fitness Track

  • Accountability Partners: We've all been there – "I'll start Monday," but then Monday turns into a month of no gym. A personal trainer keeps you accountable, making "ghosting" your gym session a lot harder.

  • Celebrating the Small Wins: Every step forward is a victory, and personal trainers are there to celebrate with you, keeping you motivated with their energy and enthusiasm.

Expertise on Tap: No More Guesswork

  • Demystifying Fitness: What's a macro? How do I squat without turning my knees into dust? Personal trainers have the answers, cutting through the clutter of fitness myths and misinformation.

  • Safety First: They ensure you’re lifting, squatting, and running correctly, minimizing the risk of injuries and maximizing the gainz.

Beyond the Gym: Holistic Health and Wellness

  • Nutrition and Lifestyle: It's not just about the hours spent in the gym; personal trainers often provide guidance on nutrition and lifestyle changes to complement your fitness regimen.

  • Mental Health Boost: Exercise is a fantastic stress reliever, and personal trainers help keep you consistent, which can significantly improve your mental health.

FAQs: All Your Burning Questions Answered

Q: Do personal trainers really make a difference? A: Absolutely! Think of them as the GPS for your fitness journey. Sure, you might reach your destination without one, but it’s gonna take longer, and you might get lost along the way.

Q: Is it worth the investment? A: Yes, investing in a personal trainer is investing in a customized, efficient, and safe approach to achieving your health and fitness goals. It's like getting a fast pass for your fitness journey.

Q: Can I just use online workouts instead? A: Online workouts are great, but they lack the personalized touch and accountability that come with a personal trainer. Plus, it's tough to ask a YouTube video for form corrections.

So, why hiring a personal trainer is a great choice? Let's count the ways: tailored fitness plans, motivational boosts, expert advice, safety, and holistic health guidance. It’s about making your fitness journey as efficient, safe, and enjoyable as possible. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re looking to take your fitness to the next level, a personal trainer can be the catalyst that propels you towards your goals. So, if you’ve been sitting on the fence, it might just be time to take the plunge and invest in your health and wellbeing. After all, the best project you'll ever work on is you.

Ready to Transform Your Fitness Journey? Take the Next Step with William Lomax!

There you have it, the lowdown on why hiring a personal trainer is a great choice for anyone serious about achieving their fitness goals. But not just any personal trainer — we’re talking about someone who brings expertise, motivation, and personalized attention to each session. That’s where William Lomax of WholeMax Performance steps in.

William isn’t just a personal trainer; he’s a fitness ally, ready to guide you through the ups and downs of your fitness journey with tailored plans, motivational support, and expert advice. Whether your goal is to build muscle, lose weight, or simply improve your overall health, William’s approach to holistic wellness ensures that your fitness plan is not just about workouts but encompasses nutrition and mental health too.

Don’t Let Another Day Slip By — Reach Out to William Lomax Today!

Make the choice to invest in your health and well being. Contact William Lomax at WholeMax Performance and take the first step towards a fitter, healthier you. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to level up your fitness game, William is here to make your goals achievable and your fitness journey enjoyable.

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William Lomax William Lomax

Conditioning the Shoulders to be Pain-Free: Unlocking Strength and Mobility

Say goodbye to nagging shoulder pain and hello to a new level of strength and mobility. Our comprehensive guide will show you how to condition your shoulders to be pain-free, allowing you to reach your peak performance and excel in your sport. Get ready to unlock the true potential of your shoulders!

Shoulder Conditioning

Shoulder pain can be a significant obstacle for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike. It hampers performance, limits mobility, and can even lead to long-term injuries if left unaddressed. But fret not! In this ultimate guide, we will equip you with the knowledge and tools to condition your shoulders and wave goodbye to pain. Get ready to unleash your athletic potential and soar to new heights!

Why Shoulder Conditioning Matters

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let's understand why shoulder conditioning is crucial for athletes and active individuals:

  1. Injury Prevention: Conditioning the shoulders strengthens the surrounding muscles and stabilizes the joints, reducing the risk of common shoulder injuries such as rotator cuff strains, impingements, and dislocations.

  2. Improved Performance: A well-conditioned shoulder complex enhances athletic performance by increasing strength, power, and range of motion. It allows for efficient movement patterns and optimal force transmission, leading to improved sports-specific skills.

  3. Enhanced Mobility: Conditioning exercises promote flexibility and mobility in the shoulders, ensuring smooth and fluid movements. This is particularly beneficial for sports that require overhead motions or throwing actions.

  4. Postural Alignment: Strong and balanced shoulder muscles contribute to proper posture, preventing issues like rounded shoulders and forward head posture. Good posture not only improves aesthetics but also reduces the risk of neck and upper back pain.

  5. Longevity in Sports: By proactively conditioning your shoulders, you set a solid foundation for long-term participation in your chosen sport or physical activity. Healthy and pain-free shoulders allow you to enjoy your passion without limitations.

Effective Shoulder Conditioning Exercises

Now that we understand the importance of shoulder conditioning, let's explore some effective exercises that will help you achieve pain-free, resilient shoulders:

Cuban Curls or Cuban Rotations for shoulder conditioning and therapy

Cuban Curls or Cuban Rotations

Cuban Curls or Rotations are a great exercise for shoulder conditioning that target the muscles in your shoulders and upper back. Here's how you can perform Cuban curls:

Seated, keeling, or standing, hold a barbell with an overhand, wider than shoulder-width grip that allows your elbows to hold a 90 degree angle in the starting position. Pull the bar up the front of your body to your sternum/lower chest. Your upper arms should be parallel to the floor, elbows bent to 90-degrees. This is your starting/finishing position.

  1. Rotate the bar out and up to just above your head.

  2. Rotate the bar back down to your sternum and repeat.

  3. You can also do this exercise with dumbbells.

  4. 8-12 reps for 3-5 sets

Farmer’s Carries or Farmer’s Walks

Place two dumbbells or kettle bells on the floor, about shoulder-width apart, so the handles are parallel. Squat down and grab the dumbbells firmly with the knuckles under the bar with the wrist flexed. Stand up or dead lift the weights up. Keep the muscles of the back of your shoulders, upper back, belly, and butt engaged generally bracing your core in neutral posture. Keep your arms relatively relaxed and or straight while of course actively maintaining a firm grip.

  1. Take a walk around your training area. Keep going until you feel your grip or posture starts to fail.

  2. Lower the weights back to the floor with proper form and rest.

  3. This exercise can also be done using kettlebells, a trap bar (hex bar), or dedicated farmer’s walk handles

  4. 1-2 minute rounds for 3-5 sets

  5. Moderate or limit the weight to lengthen the rounds

Dead Hang or Passive hang

Stand behind a pull-up bar, grabbing it with your palms facing away from you in an overhand grip, with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Use a bench or plyo box to step up and reach the bar rather than jumping up for it.

  1. Grasping the bar, keep your arms straight with a slight elbow bend. Keep your torso and pelvis neutral, with your legs hanging straight down, fully extended, and not touching the floor; tuck your chin.

  2. Despite being a passive hang, your shoulders are still semi-activated, remaining down and back throughout the exercise.

  3. Concentrate on being still and maintaining a steady breathing pattern as you hang there. When done, place your feet back on the bench or plyo box to get down.

  4. How ever long you can hang without failure cut that in half and hold that for 3-5 sets

FAQs about Shoulder Conditioning

  1. How often should I condition my shoulders? Aim for two to three shoulder conditioning sessions per week, allowing at least a day of rest between sessions. Consistency is key to achieving lasting results.

    (Source: link)

  2. Can shoulder conditioning exercises be done at home? Yes, many shoulder conditioning exercises can be performed with minimal equipment or using resistance bands. However, it is essential to ensure proper form and technique to avoid injury.

  3. Should I consult a professional before starting shoulder conditioning exercises? If you have a history of shoulder injuries or any pre-existing conditions, it is recommended to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or a certified strength and conditioning specialist. They can provide personalized guidance and tailor exercises to your specific needs.

    (Source: link)

Wrap-Up: Achieve Pain-Free Shoulders and Reach New Heights!

Don't let shoulder pain hold you back from reaching your full athletic potential. By incorporating effective shoulder conditioning exercises into your training routine, you can develop pain-free, strong, and mobile shoulders. Remember to prioritize proper form, gradually increase the intensity, and listen to your body along the way. Get ready to soar to new heights in your sport and enjoy the benefits of pain-free shoulders for years to come!

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William Lomax William Lomax

Say Goodbye to Foot Pain with Toe Spacers

Discover the benefits of using toe spacers to relieve foot pain and improve overall foot health. This comprehensive guide explains everything you need to know about toe spacers, including their uses, benefits, and frequently asked questions.

Are you tired of dealing with foot pain? Do you wish there was a simple and effective solution to alleviate discomfort and improve your foot health? Look no further than toe spacers! These tiny, but mighty, tools can work wonders for your feet. In this ultimate guide, we will explore everything you need to know about toe spacers, including their benefits, uses, and how to incorporate them into your daily routine. So, let's dive in and take a closer look at the incredible world of toe spacers!

Understanding Toe Spacers

To start our journey, let's get acquainted with the concept of toe spacers. These innovative devices are designed to create space and alignment between your toes, promoting proper toe positioning and relieving pressure and discomfort in the feet. They are typically made from soft, flexible materials such as silicone or gel, ensuring a comfortable fit and gentle separation between the toes.

The Benefits of Toe Spacers

Using toe spacers offers a multitude of benefits for your feet and overall foot health. Let's explore some of the remarkable advantages:

  1. Relief from Foot Pain: Toe spacers can effectively alleviate foot pain by reducing pressure on the joints, tendons, and nerves. They help in easing the discomfort associated with conditions like bunions, hammertoes, and plantar fasciitis.

  2. Improved Toe Alignment: Toe spacers aid in correcting toe misalignment by gently pushing the toes back into their natural position. This can help prevent the development of painful foot conditions and promote optimal foot function.

  3. Enhanced Circulation: By separating the toes, toe spacers facilitate better blood circulation in the feet. Improved circulation promotes healthier feet, reduces swelling, and aids in the healing process.

  4. Prevention of Corns and Calluses: Toe spacers prevent friction between the toes, reducing the risk of corns and calluses. They also help to alleviate existing corns and calluses by providing relief from pressure and friction.

  5. Strengthening of Foot Muscles: Regular use of toe spacers can strengthen the muscles in your feet, helping to improve balance and stability. This can be especially beneficial for athletes and individuals with weak foot muscles.

  6. Posture Correction: Surprisingly, toe spacers can also contribute to correcting overall posture. Proper alignment of the toes can have a positive impact on the alignment of the entire body, leading to better posture and reduced strain on the back and joints.

How to Use Toe Spacers

Now that you're familiar with the benefits, let's delve into how to effectively use toe spacers for optimal results:

  1. Select the Right Size: Toe spacers come in various sizes, so it's essential to choose ones that fit your toes comfortably. Ensure they are snug, but not too tight or loose.

  2. Clean and Dry Feet: Before inserting toe spacers, make sure your feet are clean and dry. This helps maintain hygiene and prevents the accumulation of moisture.

  3. Gently Insert the Spacers: Place each toe into its designated spacer, ensuring they fit snugly between the toes. Avoid forcing them in or wearing them for extended periods initially, as your feet may need time to adjust.

  4. Gradually Increase Usage: Start by wearing toe spacers for short periods, gradually increasing the duration as your feet get accustomed to them. Over time, you can wear them for longer periods, even during activities like walking or exercising.

  5. Try foot and toe exercises while wearing the toe spacers to combine strength training with toe mobility

  6. Maintain Regularity: Consistency is key when using toe spacers. Incorporate them into your daily routine, wearing them for at least a few hours each day, to experience their full benefits.


    Incorporating toe spacers into your foot care routine can bring tremendous relief and improve your overall foot health. From relieving foot pain to promoting proper alignment, toe spacers offer a simple yet effective solution for many common foot conditions. Remember to select the right size, use them regularly, and be patient as your feet adjust. So, why wait? Get yourself a pair of toe spacers today and take a step towards happier and healthier feet! You can use this link for a cheap entry level pair to try out https://amzn.to/3MMRjba. I’ve been testing them a hard two weeks of exercises and semi-nightly attempt to sleep through the night. Looking forward to buying these https://amzn.to/45o7Ucj once i wear the former out.

FAQs about Toe Spacers

  1. Are toe spacers suitable for everyone? Yes, toe spacers are generally safe for most individuals. However, if you have any pre-existing foot conditions or concerns, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using toe spacers.

  2. Can I wear toe spacers with shoes? Yes, certain toe spacers are designed to be worn with shoes. Look for slim and discreet options that can easily fit into your favorite footwear without causing discomfort. It is not recommended to start like this but to work up to it over several weeks or months

  3. How long does it take to see results? The time it takes to see results may vary from person to person. Some individuals may experience immediate relief, while others may need several weeks of consistent use before noticing significant improvements.

  4. Can I wash toe spacers? Yes, most toe spacers can be easily washed with mild soap and water. Ensure they are thoroughly dried before using them again.

  5. where can i buy toe spacers? Generally speaking online cheap: https://amzn.to/3MMRjba less cheap:https://amzn.to/45o7Ucj

Please ask any questions below

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William Lomax William Lomax

Fermenting at Home 101: How to Pickle Vegetables and Why You Should

Pickling and fermenting vegetables is an ancient way we have been preserving and maximizing the nutrition provided for us by nature through scarce and hard times. Now a days we using to do the same thing minus the hard times and with the addition of gut/bowel healing/building/and or maintenance.

Apple Cider Vinegar Garlic Pickles

A personal favorite of mine, apple cider vinegar garlic pickles.

Pickling is a fun and easy way to add some zing to your vegetables. It's also a great way to use up extra veggies before they go bad. And, did you know that pickled vegetables are good for your health?

The Benefits of Eating Pickled Vegetables

  • Probiotics: Fermented vegetables like pickles are rich in probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that help support a healthy gut microbiome. A healthy gut is linked to a range of health benefits, including better digestion, immune function, and mental health.

  • Antioxidants: Many vegetables, including cucumbers, carrots, and onions, are high in antioxidants that help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals. Pickling these veggies can help preserve their antioxidant content, making them an even healthier addition to your diet.

  • Low in Calories: Pickled vegetables are generally low in calories, making them a great snack or addition to meals if you're trying to maintain a healthy weight.

  • Flavorful: Let's not forget the obvious benefit of pickled vegetables – they're delicious! Adding pickled veggies to your meals can help make them more flavorful and interesting, which can help you stick to a healthy diet.

How to Pickle Vegetables at Home

Pickling vegetables at home is a simple process that anyone can do. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Gather your supplies:

    • A jar or container with a tight-fitting lid

    • Vegetables of your choice (carrots, cucumbers, onions, and green beans are popular choices)

    • Salt

    • Water

    • Optional: vinegar, sugar, and spices (such as garlic, dill, mustard seed, and red pepper flakes)

  2. Prep your vegetables:

    • Wash your vegetables and slice them into the desired size and shape. You can also blanch some vegetables, like carrots or green beans, to soften them slightly before pickling.

  3. Mix your brine:

    • In a separate bowl, mix salt and water together. The ratio is typically 1 tablespoon of salt to 1 cup of water. You can also add vinegar, sugar, and spices if desired. This is a matter of taste and nutritional desires. The necessary magic ingredient is the fermentation. This basic recipe is just a basic starter to show how easy fermentation realy is

  4. Pack your container:

    • Place your vegetables in the jar or container, leaving some room at the top. Pour the brine over the vegetables, making sure they're fully covered.

  5. Seal your container:

    • Seal your container tightly with a lid. If using a mason jar, you can use a canning lid and band or a reusable silicone lid.

  6. Burp your pickles every day:

    • During the fermentation process, the vegetables will produce carbon dioxide gas. This gas can build up pressure inside the jar, which can cause the jar to burst. To prevent this, you will need to burp your pickles every day.

    • To burp your pickles, simply open the jar and let the gas escape. You can do this by loosening the lid, or by opening it all the way and then closing it again quickly.

  7. Wait and enjoy!

    • Let your pickles sit at room temperature for a few days to weeks, checking on them occasionally. The longer you wait, the tangier they'll become. Once they're ready, refrigerate them to stop the fermentation process. Enjoy your pickled vegetables as a snack or add them to sandwiches, salads, and charcuterie boards for an extra kick of flavor.


Pickling vegetables is a fun and easy way to add some zing to your meals, use up extra veggies, and improve your health. Did you know that pickled vegetables are a good source of probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that can improve gut health? They're also a good source of antioxidants, which can help protect your cells from damage.

I've been pickling vegetables at home for years, and I love the way they add flavor and depth to my meals. My favorite vegetables to pickle are cucumbers, carrots, and onions. I also like to add different spices to my pickles, such as garlic, dill, and mustard seed.

If you've never tried pickling vegetables at home, I encourage you to give it a try. It's a simple process that anyone can do, and the results are delicious. I'd be happy to share my favorite recipes with you if you'd like.

So what are you waiting for? Give pickling a try today!

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William Lomax William Lomax

The Best and Worst Foods for Recovery After Physical Training

When it comes to physical training, many people focus on their workouts and forget about the importance of nutrition for recovery. But what you eat after a workout can make a significant difference in how your body recovers and adapts to the stress of exercise.

Here are the best and worst foods for post-workout recovery:

Best Foods for Recovery

  • High-quality protein: Protein is essential for muscle repair and recovery after exercise. Opt for high-quality protein sources such as grass-fed beef, pasture-raised chicken, wild-caught fish, and organic eggs.

  • Healthy fats: Healthy fats are crucial for reducing inflammation and promoting recovery. Incorporate sources of healthy fats such as avocados, nuts and seeds, coconut oil, and olive oil into your post-workout meals.

  • Fermented foods: Fermented foods are rich in probiotics, which can support gut health and reduce inflammation. Examples of fermented foods include sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, and kombucha.

  • Colorful vegetables and fruits: Colorful vegetables and fruits are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, which can help reduce inflammation and support recovery. Aim to include a variety of colors in your meals, such as leafy greens, bell peppers, berries, and citrus fruits.

Ideal Post-Workout Meals

  • Grass-Fed Beef Stir-Fry: Stir-fry grass-fed beef with broccoli, bell peppers, and mushrooms, and serve over a bed of cauliflower rice. This meal is high in protein, healthy fats, and colorful vegetables.

  • Salmon and Roasted Vegetables: Roast wild-caught salmon with sweet potato, zucchini, and asparagus, and drizzle with olive oil. This meal is high in healthy fats, protein, and colorful vegetables.

  • Quinoa and Roasted Vegetable Bowl: Cook quinoa and top with roasted bell peppers, butternut squash, and Brussels sprouts. Drizzle with tahini dressing and sprinkle with pumpkin seeds. This meal is high in healthy fats, protein, and colorful vegetables.

Worst Foods for Recovery

  • Processed foods: Processed foods are often high in sugar, unhealthy fats, and sodium. They can increase inflammation in the body and slow down recovery. Examples of processed foods include chips, cookies, candy, and frozen meals.

  • Grains and legumes: Grains and legumes are often high in anti-nutrients, which can interfere with nutrient absorption and digestion. They can also be inflammatory for some individuals. Examples of grains and legumes include bread, pasta, rice, and beans.

  • Dairy: Dairy can be inflammatory for some individuals and can slow down recovery. It can also interfere with nutrient absorption and digestion. Examples of dairy products include milk, cheese, and yogurt.

Un-Ideal Post-Workout Meals

  • Fried Chicken and French Fries: Fried chicken and French fries are generally high in unhealthy fats and sodium do the most common ways they are prepared. They can increase inflammation in the body and slow down recovery . A better option would be to fry your own chicken and fries using only high quality whole ingredients while moderating the sodium.

  • Pizza: Pizza is often high in unhealthy fats, sodium, and processed meats. It can increase inflammation in the body and slow down recovery. A better option would be to make a homemade pizza with a cauliflower crust, topped with tomato sauce, grilled chicken, bell peppers, and mushrooms.

  • Fast Food Burgers: Fast food burgers are high in unhealthy fats, sodium, and processed meats. They can increase inflammation in the body and slow down recovery. A better option would be to make a homemade burger with grass-fed beef, topped with avocado, tomato, and lettuce, and served with a side of roasted sweet potato wedges.


What you eat after a workout is crucial for recovery and adapting to the stress of exercise. Aim to incorporate high-quality protein, healthy fats, fermented foods, and colorful vegetables and fruits into your post-workout meals, while avoiding processed foods, grains and legumes, and dairy. With these tips and meal ideas, you can optimize your recovery and get the most out of your physical training.

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William Lomax William Lomax

Turkish Get Up: The Ultimate Full-Body Exercise

L:earn how,why, and when to perform one of the most effective full body exercises for building and maintaining full body strength, stability and mobility

Greetings, fitness enthusiasts! Today, we're going to be talking about one of my favorite exercises of all time: the Turkish Get Up. As an certified personal trainer of over ten years , I've had the pleasure of teaching this classic exercise to countless clients over the years. And let me tell you, there's nothing quite like the feeling of a client nailing a perfect Turkish Get Up that you helped them learn. So, without further ado, let's dive into the world of this challenging yet rewarding kettlebell exercise.

The History of the Turkish Get Up

First, let's take a quick trip back in time to the Ottoman Empire, where the Turkish Get Up first emerged as a traditional exercise. Warriors would use the movement to improve their strength, mobility, and coordination. And it's not hard to see why - the Turkish Get Up involves a full-body movement pattern that challenges multiple muscle groups at once.

Fast forward to modern times, and the Turkish Get Up has become a staple in the world of kettlebell training. From beginners to advanced athletes, everyone can benefit from this classic exercise. Plus, there are a variety of variations and adaptations that allow you to keep challenging yourself as you progress.

The Benefits of the Turkish Get Up

So, why should you bother with the Turkish Get Up? Well, for starters, it's an incredibly effective exercise for building strength, stability, and mobility. By working your entire body through multiple planes of motion, you'll develop functional fitness that carries over into everyday life.

But the benefits don't stop there. The Turkish Get Up is also a great injury prevention tool. By improving your core stability and shoulder mobility, you'll reduce your risk of injury during other exercises or daily activities. And because the movement is performed slowly and deliberately, it's also a fantastic way to improve your mind-body connection and proprioception.

But let's be honest, you're not here for a laundry list of benefits. You want to know why the Turkish Get Up is so darn fun. And I'll tell you - there's something incredibly satisfying about nailing each step of the movement, feeling your body working in perfect harmony. It's like a puzzle that you get to solve with your muscles.

Turkish Get up Final position

Turkish Get Up Finishing position

How to Do the Turkish Get Up Like a Pro

Now that you're convinced of the merits of the Turkish Get Up, let's get into the nitty-gritty of how to do it properly. Here's a step-by-step breakdown:

1. Lie on your back with a kettlebell in one hand, arm extended overhead.

2. Roll onto your side, using your free arm to prop yourself up.

3. Press the kettlebell up to the ceiling, keeping your eyes on it at all times.

4. Plant your opposite foot and elbow firmly on the ground, bridging your hips up high.

5. Sweep your free leg back behind you, coming up to a lunge position.

6. Stand up fully, keeping the kettlebell locked out overhead.

7. Reverse the steps back down to the starting position.

It's important to note that the Turkish Get Up is a slow and deliberate movement. Take your time and focus on maintaining proper form throughout each step. And don't be afraid to start with a light weight - the Turkish Get Up is challenging enough without going too heavy too soon.

The Turkish Get Up in practice

To give you a better idea of how the Turkish Get Up can be used in a training program, realize its a full body compound exercise of the highest intensity similar to the big three (Squat,bench press, and deadlift) so it should be treated as such. If not the primary lift in a workout it should be very close, practice with a near full tank of gas to maximize efficacy and safety. Any questions ? please send me a message with the form below.

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William Lomax William Lomax

Toe Exercises: A Neglected Part of Your Fitness

Toe exercises may seem like a minor aspect of your fitness routine, but they can provide significant benefits for your overall health and performance. Here are some reasons why you should pay attention to your toes.

Your toes may not get a lot of attention, but they play a surprisingly important role in your overall health and fitness. Here are just some of a few of the benefits of toe exercises:

Improved balance and stability. Your toes help you maintain balance and stability, especially when you're standing on uneven surfaces or making sudden movements. Weak or inflexible toes can make it more difficult to maintain your balance, which can increase your risk of falls.

Increased foot strength. Your feet are made up of many small muscles and tendons that work together to support your body weight and enable movement. These muscles can become weak or atrophied if they are not used regularly, which can lead to foot pain, plantar fasciitis, and other conditions. Toe exercises can help strengthen these muscles and prevent foot injuries.

Better flexibility and range of motion. Toe exercises can also improve the flexibility and range of motion in your feet and toes. This can be especially beneficial if you have tightness or stiffness in your feet due to prolonged sitting, standing, or wearing restrictive shoes. By stretching and mobilizing your toes through exercises like toe taps, toe pulls, and toe extensions, you can improve the overall flexibility and mobility of your feet.

Enhanced proprioception. Proprioception is your body's awareness of its position and movement in space. It's an essential aspect of balance and coordination, and it can be improved through regular exercise. Toe exercises can help enhance proprioception by stimulating the nerve receptors in your toes and feet. This can improve your ability to sense your body's position and movement, which can enhance your performance in sports and other physical activities.

Improved foot health. Finally, toe exercises can improve your overall foot health. By increasing blood flow to your feet, reducing inflammation, and promoting circulation, toe exercises can help prevent and/or treat foot injuries, relieve foot pain, and reduce the risk of conditions like plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis. They can also help reduce the risk of developing foot-related problems associated with aging, such as bunions and hammertoes.

So, if you want to improve your balance, prevent foot injuries, and enhance your overall foot health, incorporating toe exercises into your fitness routine is a smart move. From strengthening your foot muscles to improving your proprioception, your toes play an important role in your physical performance and well-being.

Here are some simple toe exercises you can do at home:

10 -20 reps of all the following. 3-5 rounds.

Big Toe Raises: Raise and lower big toes while the remaining four stay on the ground

Small Toe Raises: Raise and lower small toes while the big toes stay on the ground

Big Toe Lowers: Lower and raise big toes while the four small toes stay on the ground

Small Toe Lowers: Lower and raise small toes while the big toes stay on the ground

Toe Raises : Raise and lower all toes while the rest of the foot is on the ground

Toe Curls: Curl all toes towards sole of foot

You can do these exercises for a few minutes each day, or you can break them up into shorter sessions throughout the day. The more you do them, the stronger your toes will become. The feet generally work all day everyday to different degrees so they can be exercised/maintained every day. Pain or cramping is a good sign to dial back the intensity or volume.

So there you have it! Toe exercises are a simple and effective way to improve your foot health. They can be done anywhere, at any time, and they don't require any special equipment. So why not give them a try? You may be surprised at how much better your feet and whole being feel. IF you have any questions you can reach me at wholemaxperformance.com/contact

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William Lomax William Lomax

The Key to a Lean Body Fast : Moderately Weighted HIIT

The merits of weighted HIIT training for obtaining and maintaining a lean body described within

So you want to get in shape? You want to lose weight, build muscle, and look your best. Well, you've come to the right place. In this blog post, I'm going to tell you about one of the most effective and fastest way to obtain and maintain a lean body: moderately weighted HITT training with full body exercises.

What is HITT training?

HITT stands for high-intensity interval training. It's a type of workout that involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by short periods of rest. HITT training is incredibly effective for burning calories and fat, and it's also a great way to build muscle.

What are full body exercises?

Full body exercises are exercises that work multiple muscle groups at the same time. These exercises are ideal for HITT training because they allow you to get a full body workout in a short amount of time. Some examples of full body exercises include squats, cleans, turkish get ups,  lunges, push-ups, and pull-ups. It is important to use the full variety of full body exercises to maintain balance in the body. Take care to shift the body parts doing the majority of the work. Of course a full body exercise uses every muscle in the body but it does so varying intensities depending on the movement.

Why is moderately weighted HITT training with full body exercises so effective?

There are a few reasons why moderately weighted HITT training with full body exercises is so effective for obtaining and maintaining a lean body. First, it burns a lot of calories. HITT training is a very efficient way to burn calories, and it can help you to lose weight quickly and effectively. Second, it builds muscle. Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue, so building muscle can help you to lose weight and keep it off. Third, it's time-efficient. HITT training workouts are typically short and intense, so you can get a great workout in without spending hours at the gym.

Here's a few sample HITT workouts that you can try but FIRST remember to:

  • Warm up for 10 minutes by doing some light cardio, such as jogging or jumping jacks.

  • Moderate the weight so that you can complete the entire workout 

  • Do each exercise for 30 seconds 

  • Rest for 30 seconds between exercises

  • Complete 4 rounds like this 

  • Cool down for 10 minutes by doing some stretching/mobility perhaps the basic wholemax mobility routine 

Workout 1:Upper Body Focus 

  • Dumbbell Clean,Squat and Press

  • Dumbbell Cross Snatch (1 round per arm)

  • Push-ups

Workout 2 Lower Body Focus

  • Front Squats 

  • Reverse Lunges 

  • Lateral Lunges

Workout 3 Core Focus 

  • Reverse Planks 

  • Side Planks

  • Planks 


Use a weight that is challenging but not too heavy. You should be able to do all of the repetitions with good form.


Push yourself to work as hard as you can during each interval. You should be breathing heavily and sweating by the end of each set. If you can talk during or right after the workout then the intensity was most likely not high enough


Do this workout 3-5 times per week depending on your ability to rest. Over training is definitely a thing but under resting is more of a thing in my opinion 


In addition to HITT training, it's important to eat a healthy diet. Make sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. You should also limit your intake of processed foods, sugary drinks, and unhealthy fats.


Moderately weighted HITT training with full body exercises is a great way to obtain and maintain a lean body. It's effective, time-efficient, and fun. So what are you waiting for? Start your HITT training journey today!

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William Lomax William Lomax

Plyometrics for All Ages: How to Get Started

Plyometric or explosive exercise training basics explained !

Plyometrics is a type of exercise that involves jumping, bounding, and other explosive movements. It's been shown to be incredibly effective for improving athletic performance, but it also has a number of benefits for people of all ages.

Here are just a few of the benefits of plyometric training:

  • Increased speed and power: Plyometrics helps to build muscle power, which is essential for both speed and power. This is why it's a popular training method for athletes of all sports, from basketball to track and field.

  • Improved vertical jump: Plyometrics is one of the best ways to improve your vertical jump. This can be helpful for athletes, but it's also beneficial for people who want to be able to jump higher for things like dunking a basketball or reaching for things on high shelves.

  • Reduced risk of injury: Plyometrics can help to strengthen your muscles and tendons, which can help to reduce your risk of injury. This is especially important for athletes who are at risk of overuse injuries.

  • Improved balance and coordination: Plyometrics helps to improve your balance and coordination, which can help you to move more efficiently and gracefully. This can be helpful for people of all ages, but it's especially beneficial for older adults who are at risk of falls.

  • Increased bone density: Plyometrics can help to increase your bone density, which can help to prevent osteoporosis. This is especially important for women, who are at an increased risk of osteoporosis after menopause.

  • Improved mood: Plyometrics is a great way to get a good workout and improve your mood. Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects.

So, if you're looking for a way to improve your athletic performance, reduce your risk of injury, and improve your overall health, plyometrics is a great option.

Here are a few tips for getting started with plyometric training:

  • Start slowly with some guidance: Plyometrics can be challenging, so it's important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts over time in some sort of organize way.

  • Use proper form: It's important to use proper form when doing plyometric exercises to avoid injury. If you're not sure how to do a particular exercise, ask a qualified trainer for help.

  • Listen to your body: If you experience any pain, stop the exercise immediately.

  • Warm up before each workout: It's important to warm up your muscles before doing plyometric exercises. This will help to reduce your risk of injury.

  • Cool down after each workout: It's also important to cool down your muscles after doing plyometric exercises. This will help to prevent muscle soreness.

    5 Plyometric Exercises for Beginners

    1. Squat jumps

    Squat jumps are a great way to improve your vertical jump. To do a squat jump, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lower down into a squat. Explosively jump up, extending your legs fully and reaching for the sky. Land softly with your knees slightly bent. Repeat for 10-15 repetitions.

    2. Box jumps

    Box jumps are a great way to improve your power and explosiveness. To do a box jump, stand in front of a box that is about knee-high. Bend your knees and swing your arms back. Explosively jump up onto the box, landing with both feet. Step down from the box and repeat for 10-15 repetitions.

    3. Lunges to jumps

    Lunges to jumps are a great way to improve your coordination and power. To do a lunge to jump, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Step forward with one leg and lower down into a lunge. Explosively jump up, switching legs in mid-air. Land softly with both feet. Repeat for 10-15 repetitions on each leg.

    4. Butt kicks

    Butt kicks are a great way to improve your hip mobility and power. To do a butt kick, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly. Kick your heels up towards your butt as high as you can. Repeat for 10-15 repetitions.

    5. High knees

    High knees are a great way to improve your leg speed and coordination. To do a high knee, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly. Bring your knees up towards your chest as high as you can. Repeat for 10-15 repetitions.

    These are just a few examples of plyometric exercises that you can do. There are many other plyometric exercises that you can find online or in fitness magazines. It is important to choose exercises that are appropriate for your fitness level and to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts over time. If you experience any pain, stop the exercise immediately.

One of the most important benefits of plyometric training is that it can help you to be fast enough to catch or soften a fall if tripped. This is especially important for older adults, who are at an increased risk of falls. A bad fall is one of the major killers of the elderly.

So, if you're looking for a way to improve your health, fitness, and balance, plyometric training is a great option. It's a fun and challenging way to get a workout, and it can help you to avoid or slow falls. If interested in further guidance wholemaxperformance.com/contact

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William Lomax William Lomax

To grab the shin or not to grab the shin?

An exploration of the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu submission the mounted triangle

The triangle is one of the most versatile and effective submissions in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. It can be used from a variety of positions, and it is relatively easy to learn. However, we will be addressing the mounted triangle in particular.

One of the biggest advantages of the mounted triangle is that it allows you to control your opponent's upper body with the weight of your entire body while isolating their neck and arm. Once you have your opponent in the triangle from the mount, you can use your legs to keep them pinned to the ground with relative ease in my opinion due to the assistance of gravity. In a traditional triangle from guard the opposite is true with gravity holding you down as oppose to opponent. 

The mounted triangle gives you a advantage in terms of positioning and leverage if you have the balance to maintain it which comes from an active constantly readjusting and well spread out base. You can use this advantage to land strikes, pass their guard, transition to other submissions, or simply wait for them to tired out depending on the situation.

The click bait question of “To grab the shin or not grab the shin?” was mostly just that. Generally speaking its a matter of preference and body type. Many people do not have the leg dexterity/mobility to lock up a triangle of any sort without assistant from their arm and that is ok. Of course the less steps to the same goal is arguably quicker, more efficient, but ultimately i find its the technician not the technique. By that i mean the BJJ artist with the greatest discipline and work ethic relative to the technical clash will win as oppose to the one taught the “best technique”.

By no means is the intent here to discount the triangle from guard. It is one of the highest percentage moves in jiu jitsu and a more often than not jiu jitsu artist will roll their from the mounted triangle in order to get the finish. My personal preference is to maintain top position and make my opponents ribs/stamina carry my weight until fatigue wears their defenses down enough to open up a submission opportunity from the top. If they manage to get on top from my mounted triangle the tradition triangle is their waiting.

The mounted triangle is a powerful tool that can be used to control your opponent and gain a strategic advantage. If you are looking for a submission that may give you an surprising edge in your BJJ game, the mounted triangle is a great option.

Here are some additional tips for using the mounted triangle strategically:

The mount base needs to be well spread and constant readjusting to maximize the pinning force and minimize the space available to your opponent

Use your legs and hips to control your opponent's upper body. Regardless of size differences most people’s legs and hips are stronger than most peoples arm and neck

Use the triangle to create openings for other attacks. Distract and tire your opponent and then attack the arm bar, or kimura

Once you have your opponent in the triangle from mount. WAIT. There is no rush if you are still on stop and on the attack.

Use the mounted triangle to finish the fight. If you can't get a submission, you can use the triangle to wear your opponent down and eventually force them to tap.

With ALOT of practice, you can learn to use the mounted triangle to its full potential. So what are you waiting for? Start practicing today! Looking for help? wholemaxperformance.com/contact

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William Lomax William Lomax

Weighted Mobility Training: A Better Way to Improve Your Range of Motion

Weighted mobility training is a type of mobility training that involves using weights to challenge the muscles around your joints in their full range . This helps to improve your range of motion, reduce pain, and prevent injuries.

If you're looking to improve your mobility, you've probably heard of conventional mobility training. But what about weighted mobility training? What is it? Is it better ? How so?

Lets take a look at the unique advantages of weighted mobility training compared to conventional mobility training. We'll also provide some tips and examples on how to get started with weighted mobility training.

So what is weighted mobility training?

Weighted mobility training is a type of mobility training that involves using weights to challenge the muscles around your joints. This helps to improve your range of motion, reduce pain, and prevent injuries.

Why is weighted mobility training so great?

There are a few reasons why weighted mobility training is so great. First, it helps to improve your range of motion. When you use weights, you're essentially forcing your muscles to work harder. This helps to break down scar tissue and adhesions, which can limit your range of motion.

Second, weighted mobility training helps to reduce pain. When your muscles are strong, they're better able to support your joints. This can help to reduce pain from things like arthritis, tendonitis, and bursitis.

Third, weighted mobility training helps to prevent injuries. When your muscles are strong, they're less likely to get injured. This is because they're better able to absorb shock and protect your joints.

So how do you get started with weighted mobility training?

If you're new to weighted mobility training, it's important to start slowly and gradually increase the weight as you get stronger. You should also focus on slow, controlled movements. And be sure to listen to your body and take breaks when you need them.

Here’s a few current favorite weighted mobility exercises you can try:

  • Cable revolved head to knee pose: Targets the QL or sides. Cable should be in line with the lateral line the top arm is reaching for the far toe in. Inhaling to relax and allow the weight to pull you into a lateral bend as deep as comfortable then exhaling a bring the torso upright directly above the head allowing the arm to stay relatively slack. Repeating the pattern for 3-5 round of 30 seconds each side is a good starting point.

    Kettlebell goblet squat hold : Targets the hips, low back, and ankles. Hold a kettlebell in front of your chest with both hands and squat down as low as you can maintaining good posture and leg alignment. 3-5 round of 30 seconds is a good starting point.

  • Weighted lunge hold: Targets the hip flexors, quads, and ankles. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and step forward with one leg, lowering your body until the front knee reaches the deepest angle of flexion it can without pain while the back knee bends minimally while staying off the ground. 3-5 round of 30 seconds each leg is a good starting point.

  • Dead Hang: Targets the wrist, elbows, shoulders, and back. Hang from a pull up bar from the hands allowing all tension to leave the body accept the bare minimum required to maintain posture and overall body alignment. 3-5 round of 30 seconds is a good starting point.

These are just a few examples of exercises you can try. Be sure to talk to your doctor or a certified personal trainer before starting any new exercise program (like myself wholemaxperformance.com/contact)

So there you have it! Weighted mobility training is the new hotness when it comes to improving your mobility. So what are you waiting for? Give it a try today!

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William Lomax William Lomax

Tabata Training: The Best Way to Get in Shape?

Tabata training is a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout that consists of 20 seconds of intense exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated eight times for a total of four minutes. Tabata training is a great way to burn calories, improve your cardiovascular health, and build muscle.

I’m a Baltimore-based personal trainer and yoga teacher, and I’ve seen firsthand the benefits of Tabata training. My clients who have tried it have lost weight, gained muscle, and improved their cardiovascular health.

If you’re looking for a quick, effective, and challenging workout, Tabata training is the perfect choice. Just be prepared to sweat!

What is Tabata Training?

Tabata training is a type of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) that involves 20 seconds of all-out effort followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated eight times for a total of four minutes.

It sounds easy, right? Wrong! Tabata training is one of the most intense workouts you’ll ever do. But it’s also one of the most effective.

How Does Tabata Training Work?

Tabata training works by putting your body into a state of metabolic stress. When you exercise at an all-out effort, your body breaks down carbohydrates and fat for energy. This process produces lactic acid, which is what makes you feel sore after a workout.

The lactic acid also causes your body to release hormones like adrenaline and noradrenaline. These hormones help to break down fat and increase your metabolism.

What are the Benefits of Tabata Training?

Tabata training has been shown to have a number of benefits, including:

* Increased fat loss

* Improved cardiovascular health

* Increased muscle mass

* Boosted metabolism

* Improved mental health

How to Do Tabata Training

To do Tabata training, you’ll need a timer and a few exercises that you can do at an all-out effort for 20 seconds. Some popular Tabata exercises include:

* Burpees

* Jumping jacks

* High knees

* Butt kicks

* Mountain climbers

Once you have your exercises, set your timer for 20 seconds and go all-out for the entire time. After 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds. Repeat this eight times for a total of four minutes.

Tips for Tabata Training

Here are a few tips for getting the most out of your Tabata training:

* Warm up for at least 5 minutes before you start your Tabata workout.

* Cool down for at least 5 minutes after you finish your Tabata workout.

* Listen to your body and take breaks when you need them.

* Start with a lower-intensity workout and gradually increase the intensity as you get stronger.


Tabata training is a great way to get in shape and improve your overall health. If you’re looking for a challenging and effective workout, give Tabata training a try.

Just be prepared to sweat!

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William Lomax William Lomax

The Various Arts of Movement: An Examination of the most common types of Mobility Training

Mobility training is an essential part of any fitness routine, Practiced correctly and consistently, it helps increase and maintain the quality and range of motion and which prevents injuries or makes them more manageable. There are various types of mobility training, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at some of the most popular methods: yoga, weighted mobility training, PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) stretching, static stretching, dynamic stretching, ballistic stretching, and FRC (Functional Range Conditioning).

Mobility training is an essential part of any fitness routine, Practiced correctly and consistently, it helps increase and maintain the quality and range of motion and which  prevents injuries or makes them more manageable. There are various types of mobility training, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at some of the most popular methods: yoga, weighted mobility training, PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) stretching, static stretching, dynamic stretching, ballistic stretching, and FRC (Functional Range Conditioning).


Yoga is a type of mobility training that has been around for thousands of years. It combines stretching, strength, and relaxation techniques to increase flexibility, balance, and mindfulness. The benefits of yoga include improved posture, increased strength, reduced stress, and improved mental clarity. However, one disadvantage of yoga is that it may not be intense enough for those looking to build muscle or improve cardiovascular fitness. It's best to practice yoga in the morning or evening, as it can help to energize or relax the body.

Weighted mobility training

Weighted mobility training involves using weights or resistance bands to improve range of motion and strengthen the body. This type of training can help to increase muscle size and definition, as well as improve balance and coordination. However, it can also put additional stress on the joints and may not be suitable for beginners or those with existing injuries. Weighted mobility training is best done during a strength training session, after a proper warm-up.

PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) stretching

PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) stretching involves contracting and relaxing muscles to improve flexibility and range of motion. It is often used in physical therapy and can help improve strength and coordination. One advantage of PNF stretching is that it can be done with a partner, allowing for deeper stretches and improved results. However, it requires careful technique and should only be done under the guidance of a trained professional. PNF stretching is best done after a workout, as it can help to relax the muscles and improve recovery.

Static stretching

Static stretching involves holding a stretch for a period of time to improve flexibility and range of motion. It is a popular form of mobility training and can be done anywhere, without any equipment. Static stretching can help to reduce muscle tension and improve circulation. However, it should be done after a proper warm-up and not before a workout, as it can decrease muscle power and may increase the risk of injury.

Dynamic stretching

Dynamic stretching involves aamoving through a range of motion to improve flexibility and warm up the body before a workout. It can help to improve coordination and balance and can be a useful tool for athletes. One disadvantage of dynamic stretching is that it requires more coordination and technique than static stretching, and may not be suitable for beginners. Dynamic stretching is best done before a workout, as it can help to activate the muscles and improve performance.

Ballistic stretching

Ballistic stretching involves bouncing or jerking movements to improve range of motion. It is a controversial form of mobility training, as it can increase the risk of injury if not done properly. Ballistic stretching is best left to experienced athletes, as it requires a high level of coordination and technique. It is not recommended for beginners or those with existing injuries.

Functional Range Conditioning (FRC)

Functional Range Conditioning (FRC) is a system of mobility training that focuses on improving joint health and range of motion. It involves controlled movements and is designed to improve strength and flexibility in a functional way focusing on end range strength. The benefits of FRC include improved joint health, increased range of motion, and improved performance in everyday activities. One disadvantage of FRC is that it requires a lot of discipline and dedication to see results. FRC is best done during a regular workout routine, as it can be incorporated into any type of exercise.

Which is best?

In short, there is no absolute best method. There are lots of different types of mobility training beyond this list of 8 and the one that's best for you will depend on your individual goals, current physical abilities, and any medical conditions or injuries you may have. If there is a “Best” it is most likely a combination of all mobility modalities. With consistent effort, investigation and dedication, mobility training can help improve and maintain your flexibility, range of motion, posture, and overall quality of life.

Looking for help ?

If you're looking to improve your mobility, I encourage you to study some of the mobility disciplines discussed in this blog post. If you are curious about the Wholemax Performance mobility perspective wholemaxperformance.com/contact and keep eye out for our ebook series on mobility coming soon!

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William Lomax William Lomax

Ten goofy but true reasons why a daily mobility routine is one of the most effective methods to prevent aging and injury

Mobility is the ability to move freely and easily. It is an important part of overall health and well-being, and it can help you live longer. As we age, our mobility naturally declines. However, there are things we can do to slow down this decline and maintain our mobility for as long as possible.

  1. Better range of motion: A daily mobility routine will have you twisting and turning like a contortionist at a circus. You'll be more flexible than a yoga mat and have a better chance of avoiding injury as you age.

  2. Improved balance: Avoid the embarrassment of falling like a cartoon character with a mobility routine that challenges your balance. You'll be as steady as a tightrope walker on a windy day and can impress your friends with your fancy footwork.

  3. Increased flexibility: Who needs a circus act when you can show off your flexibility at home? With a daily mobility routine, you'll be able to touch your toes like it's nobody's business and reduce the risk of injury while doing it.

  4. Reduced muscle stiffness: Say goodbye to feeling like a robot with rusty joints. A mobility routine can loosen you up and make it easier to move like a smooth operator. No more creaking and cracking sounds when you stand up.

  5. Improved posture: Stand up straight like your mama told you to with a mobility routine that focuses on improving your posture. You'll look taller, slimmer, and less like a hunchback. Plus, your muscles and joints will thank you for the break.

  6. Better athletic performance: Take your game to the next level with a daily mobility routine that can improve your flexibility, range of motion, and reduce the risk of injury. You'll be breaking records and making your competitors jealous.

  7. Reduced pain: No more "oohs" and "ahhs" when you get up from your chair. A mobility routine can ease the pain caused by tight muscles and joints, making you feel like a spring chicken again.

  8. Improved blood flow: Get your blood pumping with a mobility routine that increases your range of motion and flexibility. It's like a mini workout for your muscles and joints that promotes healing and reduces the risk of injury.

  9. Reduced stress: Chill out with a daily mobility routine that can reduce stress and tension in your body. You'll feel more relaxed than a cat napping in the sun and ready to take on the day.

  10. Increased independence: Don't let age slow you down! With a daily mobility routine, you can maintain your independence and keep doing the things you love. No more sitting on the sidelines watching the grandkids play.

    Looking for help ? www.wholemaxperformance.com/contact

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